5 Reasons You Might be Feeling Tired 24/7

Beats that fatigue, baby!

21 March, 2018
5 Reasons You Might be Feeling Tired 24/7

1. Low Blood Sugar ​

This medical condition (where your insulin levels spike, which in turn, cause a dip in blood sugar levels) could be why you're feeling fatigue, since your body doesn't have enough energy to perform the normal function it does. If you think you have a low sugar level, all you need is a simple blood test to figure it out. 

2. A Lack of Exercise

Skipping your daily workout to save your energy can actually work against you. A University of Georgia study revealed that sedentary (but healthy) adults who started exercising thrice a week for 20 minutes reported feeling more energised and alert after just six weeks! ​ Wondering why? This is because exercising helps keep your heart and lungs healthy, which in turn helps deliver oxygen and other nutrients more efficiently to your tissues. 

3. Dehydration

Not drinking 2.5-3 litres of fluids (including buttermilk, fresh juices, soup, and, of course, water) everyday? Ding ding ding! That's why. Dehydration reduces your blood pressure, which means your heart pumps harder to send blood to your brain and muscles. This can also cause headaches and a loss of concentration.

4. Iron and Magnesium Deficiency

Fact: Iron is responsible for the transfer of oxygen in your body and removing the waste from your cells. You should ideally be consuming around 18 milligrams of iron a day to function happily (without feeling sluggish). Make sure you include lean meats, pulses and vegetables in your diet and voila, your iron levels are up before you know it! 

Magnesium, too takes care of over 300 metabolic functions, including creating enough energy for your body. Not getting enough might be the reason for your fatigue. Try working it in through fish, legumes, whole grains, avocados, bananas and green, leafy vegetables.

5. Thyroid Issues

If your thyroid gland is under-active, then even a 10 minute walk can sap you of your energy. It can also lead to joint pains, vision problems, excessive thirst and weight gain. You can get your under-active thyroid diagnosed with a help of a simple blood test, and the treatment for it is a fairly simple process. Just ask your GP!
