You Have to See How This Woman Used a Sock to Flawlessly Apply Her Makeup

Don't knock it, until you try it sock it.

Mar 21, 2018

Up next on the list of WTF beauty hacks to try: socks! I honestly never would have guessed that something that keeps your foot from getting all sweaty and gross in your shoes would be capable of giving makeup sponges and brushes a run for their money, but, according to beauty vlogger Mayra Isabel, they're the next best thing. 

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Isabel discovered the hack one day when she was going through her sock drawer and took a closer look at the soft, thick, fluffy texture of the heel. She decided to go to her local Walmart and buy a pair of socks to test them out in her foundation routine.

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"This might be the next BeautyBlender, just saying," Mayra says in her YouTube video, where she shows viewers how she flawlessly applies her CC cream foundation with the heel of a sock. "It's going to save you a lot of money too."  

Who knew a sock was the secret to a streak-free, flawless finish? I'm amazed and fascinated all at once. Here's how it works:

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First, to apply her foundation with the heel of a sock, she twists the sock into a spiral shape, like so: 

Then, she folds the sock inside-out into a small, "cushion"-like ball:

Next, she blends her foundation by gently dabbing the sock onto her face. "The way that the cushion is shaped makes the application so flawless," she says. "It leaves no streaks on the face." She also loves that it doesn't absorb a ton of foundation like some makeup sponges and brushes do. 

She even uses the sock to apply her cream contour and setting powder. Mayra points out that applying the setting powder was her favorite part of the whole process because the material of the sock gave her so much control to carefully place the powder. 

"The great thing about this is all you have to do is just throw it in the washer, grab a new sock, and then after that, you can reuse it," she says. "It's amazing, right?"

Mentally, you might not be ready to wipe a sock all over your face, but you have to admit the final look makes it pretty tempting.

Follow Maya on Instagram and Twitter.

Credit: Cosmopolitan

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