14 Ways to Fix Bad Breath and Make Yours Smell Fresher Than Ever

Because no one likes dragon breath ?.

By Carly Cardellino, Brooke Shunatona
Mar 15, 2019

Alright, let’s collectively leave the judgement at the door, here, because we’re all guilty of stanky breath from time to time. Whether the cause is your diet, good ol’ morning time, or overall dental hygiene, bad breath is just something that happens—and more often than you’d like.

Below, New York City-based cosmetic dentists Debra Glassman, DDS, and Jennifer Jablow, DDS, share their expert tips on what you can do to prevent bad breath from creeping up again, and how to fix your problem stat, if you need a fix, like, right now.

Longterm Fixes:

Let’s say your breath doesn’t actually smell all that bad at the moment. GOOD. Let’s keep it that way by always following these rules:

1. Don't eat pure trash.

Not only will your mom be proud of you, but eating a ton of greens and veggies also promotes a more alkaline environment in your mouth, so the bad-breath-causing acid in your body balances itself out.

And though you can totally eat rich foods from time to time (it's all about balance, yo), know that if you're guzzling milk and slamming cheese all day, there's a good chance your breath will always smell, thanks to bacteria and microbes battling it out in your digestive system.

That's why it's important to add healthy carbs like broccoli, carrots, sweet potatoes, and fresh fruits into your diet, which balance out the fats and promote better breath.

2. Brush and floss every. Single. Day.

Sure, flossing is an extra step, but it's an essential one. Brushing your teeth helps nix the plaque and bacteria on them, but flossing dislodges anything that your toothbrush can't get to.

If you don't floss regularly, the food in between your teeth will feed the bacteria in your mouth, and the more nutrients you give the bacteria, the more the bacteria will give off stinky acids that cause bad breath. Also, again, your mom will be really proud of you.

3. Swap your coffee for juice.

Coffee is highly acidic (so please, don't bathe in it), which can mess with your alkaline levels to produce bad breath. And aside from the whole teeth-rotting-sugar thing, many bottled sports drinks, sodas, and iced teas are preserved with citric acid, an ingredient that not only wears away at the enamel on your teeth, but contributes to bad breath.

4. Drink 48 ounces of water a day.

There's a reason why your breath smells so terrible after a night of drinking (okay, there are a bunch of reasons, like possibly forgetting to brush your teeth after downing a whole pizza in your bed): Dehydration reduces your saliva production, allowing odor-causing bacteria to grow.

The fix? Drinking H2O and non-sugary liquids on the reg to lubricate your mouth and keep bad bacteria at bay.

5. Take probiotics.

Probiotics give your body the proper enzymes it needs to efficiently break down foods and decrease the chance of food fermenting in your stomach. Try Advanced Naturals probiotics (Dr. Glassman's favorite) and take 1-2 supplements daily, ideally with food.

6. Steer clear of cigarettes.


Smoking dries out your mouth and body tissues, but the nicotine actually squeezes your blood vessels, preventing a healthy saliva flow. This combo disrupts your mouth's normal functioning and leads to smelly breath. The not-so-easy fix? Stop smoking ASAP. Or, you know, never start. Ever.

7. Don't skip your dentist appointments.

See your dentist twice a year for cleanings, and while you're there, don't hesitate to bring up your concerns if you've tried everything and your bad breath still isn't going away.


Instant Fixes:

So your Tinder date is five minutes away, and you're Googling this article for help with your bad breath. Don't freak—you've got some time. Here are some immediate steps you can take to rid that stale breath smell ASAP.

9. Snack on apples or any other crunchy, healthy foods.

Better make a quick stop at a Whole Foods (that's romantic, right?). The hard texture of apples, celery, carrots, etc., can remove food caught between your teeth and rub away the bacteria that's clinging to them. Think of crunchy health foods as nature's toothbrush.

10. Rinse with alcohol-free mouthwash.

Since any alcohol dries your mouth, leading to extra bacteria growth, Dr. Glassman suggests opting for a mouthwash without alcohol. You can even create your own mixing one-tablespoon baking soda with one-cup warm water and a few drops of peppermint essential peppermint oil. "Baking soda is antibacterial, and the oil helps freshen your breath in a pinch if you run out of mouthwash," she says.

Dr. Jablow also adds, "It's also important to pick up an alcohol-free mouthwash with a zinc compound in it, since zinc kills the volatile sulphur compounds." Hopefully, you magically have all of these products and DIY ingredients at the ready, but if not, try stocking up on these date-approved formulas, below.

11. Clean your tongue.

Fact: Bacteria stick to your taste buds and release a waste byproduct that causes a gross stench. So, you know, perfect for kissing. Try using a tongue scraper, or use a clean spoon to gently scrape your tongue after brushing to remove any bacteria or plaque.

12. Chew sugarless gum containing xylitol.

Chewing gum increases salivary flow and helps remove some bacteria and staining, but make sure it's sugar-free, so you're not accidentally feeding the bacteria in your mouth.

Opt for a brand that contains the sweetener xylitol, which happens to be antibacterial.

13. Chew on fresh mint leaves or parsley.

You laugh, but it works! If you're already on your date, order a drink with mint leaves, or casually ask your server for a side of parsley (you just, um, really love parsley, okay?). The mint will help freshen your breath, and the parsley contains chlorophyll, which Dr. Jablow says fights against sulphur compounds (aka the rotten-egg smell caused by hydrogen sulfide).


Credit: Cosmopolitan

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