Hauntingly Gorgeous New "100 Years of Beauty" Video Offers a Totally Unexpected Take

You haven't seen it all yet.

Mar 21, 2018

[youtube ]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t__RhUyZMDM[/youtube]

​Everyone is absolutely obsessed with the "100 Years" viral beauty and fashion videos. They meticulously explore fashion, makeup, and hair of decades gone by, giving people a glimpse at how current looks and trends have evolved over time. But costume blogger Karolina Żebrowska wanted to go a step beyond that. 

"There are things they don't show us," wrote Żebrowska​ in the introduction of her video.  Żebrowska, who runs the ​ Domowa Kostiumologia​ costume blog, said she wanted to celebrate the reality of what women during those historical era actually looked like and lived through. Via YouTube

To be frank, it was supposed to be just another "Beauty Through The Decades" video. I saw lots of them already, but they all have seemed to show beauty standards in a very stereotypical and pop-culture way, so I wanted to do a more historically accurate one. As I was doing some research, I became more and more aware that beautiful faces and fashion we see on the photos, ads and fashion plates are just an idealistic version of reality. So here's to reality. ​

Watch the video above to learn more about the truth behind those high-fashion eras people are often so enamored with. 

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Credit: Cosmopolitan

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