How To Contour Using Sellotape

Just when we think we've reached peak contouring...

Mar 21, 2018

Just when we think we've reached peak contouring, in comes another bonkers technique. We've had clown contouring and Christmas contouring, but the latest trend is sellotape contouring.

Dubai-based Beauty blogger Huda Kattan posted an Instagram how-to video which shows how to contour using sellotape, claiming that this is the easiest way to contour your face.

You simply place the tape as guidelines around the areas you want to apply the foundation that is darker to your skintone. Once applied within the tape, you peel off the tape and apply a lighter shade of highlighter or foundation and blend. Then ta da! You are left with Kylie Jenner-esque cheekbones. 

[instagram ][/instagram]

Huda also has done a tutorial showing how to use tape to easily get a neat winged liner.

In the video Huda advises that tape can take moisture out of your skin, so remove the stickyness of the tape by putting it against your arm a couple of times before applying to your face. 

She says in the video "I wouldn't recommend using this on a daily basis because I felt moisture coming off my skin when I did that so I would do it every once in a while or once a week. You will notice over time that you may start to wrinkle in this area."

[youtube ][/youtube]

Credit: Cosmopolitan

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