Kylie Jenner Contours Her EARS


Mar 21, 2018

Kylie Jenner just keeps on giving.

When she's not promoting her LipKits and launching nail polish collections between Snapchats, she's sharing her beauty secrets on her subscription-service website/app.

This week she invites viewers to watch makeup artist Hrush Achemyan give her a smoky eye (or The Smokey Rock Star, as they call it), and their top tip isn't actually eye-related. It's about the ears.

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Ok, we'll skip to 2:53 in, when mid-contour (Hrush has done the cheeks, jaw and nose despite saying that "we're not feeling the heavy contouring anymore"), Kylie says, "I like when you do my ears". *Giggles*

They're not joking though.

Hrush says, "Actually, it's a really good tip that a lot of people don't do". No, we can't say we do contour our ears TBH.

Should we? "Because it's really not cute when you're on the red carpet, or you get snapped and then your face is one colour, and the ears are different. It shows, like, the tone is not really your skin tone and you have on a lot of foundation.

"Just like your neck, your ears are a part of your face," the makeup artist adds as she tends to Kylie's.

We thought we'd heard it all with neck contouring, but apparently not. This goes to show there is nothing you can't contour. Should you give a damn, of course.

Credit: Cosmopolitan

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