Pancaking Is the 1 Trick You Need to Get the Prettiest Braid Ever

If you're not pancaking your braid, what are you doing with your life?

Mar 21, 2018

Achieving those voluminous, enviable braids that dominate Pinterest is actually much easier than you think with a little trick called "pancaking."

The idea here is to make your braid flatter, like a pancake, so it creates the illusion of a bigger braid. To do it, start with a tight, secure braid of any kind. Then, the trick is to gently pull apart each section of the braid with your thumb and pointer finger. By doing so, your braid will spread apart and your hair instantly will appear fuller. 

Because the ends of short or layered hairstyles might stick out of the braid and unravel when you pull, this technique is best for longer styles. However, even the slightest tug at your braid will add enough noticeable oomph to your style. 

The process of pancaking is also mesmerizing to watch. 

And here are some beautiful braids after they've been pancaked. Because you can never have too many pancakes.

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Credit: Cosmopolitan

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