15 Photos of Celebs Being Naked in Really Weird Places

BRB, posing naked in a tree.

Mar 21, 2018

Oh, the places you'll pose. It's one thing when celebrities pose naked, it's another when we find them doing so in weird places like kitchens and...trees. Ahead, 14 celebrities who aren't afraid to show off what they got whenever, wherever. (Truly.)

1. Kim Kardashian climbing a tree.

[instagram ]https://www.instagram.com/p/BYrOffcFD_F/?hl=en&taken-by=kimkardashian[/instagram]

2. Amy Schumer in a kitchen with a hot dog.

[instagram ]https://www.instagram.com/p/BYJLwllFPK2/[/instagram]

3. John Stamos exploring the palm fronds on his 54th birthday.

4. Miley Cyrus on a wrecking ball. A true classic.

5. Halle Berry seemingly reenacting a horror film on her patio.

[instagram ]https://www.instagram.com/p/BULIcuwgDSA/[/instagram]

6. Emily Ratajkowski taking a dip in a trough, as one does.

[instagram ]https://www.instagram.com/p/yImHLrS2Qo/[/instagram]

7. Ashley Graham confessing her love for bread in her kitchen.

[instagram ]https://www.instagram.com/p/BR5s3flADoS/[/instagram]

8. Justin Bieber pondering life on a boat.

9. Miley Cyrus posing as a fairy in a public bathroom.

[twitter ]https://twitter.com/ThePopBible/status/901271678587740160[/twitter]

10. Justin Bieber taking in the great outdoors.

[instagram ]https://www.instagram.com/p/BDcArURAvtC/[/instagram]

11. Kourtney Kardashian sitting on a rock in the middle of a rainforest.

[instagram ]https://www.instagram.com/p/BUGNhZxjFbP/[/instagram]

12. Lea Michele laying on top of a wall.

[instagram ]https://www.instagram.com/p/BOvoCcQhl7V/[/instagram]

13. Chrissy Teigen getting ready for a photoshoot.

[instagram ]https://www.instagram.com/p/BQlU192j5cU/[/instagram]

14. John Legend in a hotel room.

[instagram ]https://www.instagram.com/p/42eludJjQH/[/instagram]

15. Orlando Bloom paddleboarding. You're welcome.

Credit: Cosmopolitan

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