10 Amazing AF Qualities That Make Priyanka Chopra a Global Superstar

#5 is easily her most winning talent.

Mar 21, 2018

Priyanka Chopra is one of the biggest stars in Bollywood and most certainly one of the few Indian actors to receive such huge international popularity. Love her or not, one thing is undeniable, this Desi girl sure has what it takes to make it big. Here are 10 reasons that make Priyanka Chopra the ultimate celeb and a true blue superstar.

1.She broke all stereotypes to get where she is: Before Priyanka , Bollywood actresses did not get very far in Hollywood, let alone bag female centric roles like Priyanka did in Quantico.

2. She is fearless in her role choices: From taking on negative characters like her role in Aaitraaz , Priyanka showed the world she did what she felt was right and followed her heart, all the way to superstar success.

3. The way she carries herself: From the way she dresses to her supreme confidence during public appearances, this girl oozes star power, no matter what she does or where she goes.

4. She is multi-talented : From her acting chops to her amazing singing voice and modelling skills , there is nothing Priyanka cannot be awesome at once she tries , it seems.

5. She was Miss World: Don't forget the fact that she was awarded the title of the prettiest woman in the World!

6.She works her a*s off: Whether it's pouring her entire energy into preparing for a role ( think Mary Kom) or jetsetting around the globe to literally be every where at once, nobody works quite as hard as her.

7. She is the Queen of social media: With a twitter following of 13.1 million and an Instagram following of 5.8 million, Priyanka sure knows how to make the world watch her every move.

[instagram ]https://www.instagram.com/p/BWwvNjsAk-R/?taken-by=priyankachopra&hl=en[/instagram]

8. Fans love her: All over the world, she has possibly one of the largest fan followings ever for a Bollywood star.

[instagram ]https://www.instagram.com/p/BWsjxQHgA8_/?taken-by=priyankachopra&hl=en[/instagram]

9. She powerfully defines the new age woman – She is a tremendous symbol of a new age for women across the globe. The actress and icon has redefined the role of women in Indian cinema, she has become one of the most powerful brands around the globe and is one of the most influential women today. Her making the top ten paid actresses list is proof enough of that.

and finally....

10. She's drop dead gorgeous: Nobody can deny that, Priyanka Chopra is one of the most beautiful women in the world.

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