Shakti Mohan on charting her own course in a male-dominated industry

Dancrepreneur, choreographer, and dancer Shakti Mohan is more than just a pretty face. Read on to know more about her personal struggles, triumphs, and the lessons she has learnt along the way.

Mar 5, 2023

Watch out for Shakti Mohan...she is pretty fierce…Shakti is #MoreThanPretty with Mango.

Cosmo: Given that you are part of a male-dominated industry, was it tough for you to make your mark?

Shakti Mohan: “It’s a male-dominated world—be it my industry, or the world at large. It has been a bit of a challenge, and it can get frustrating at times… But, I have come to terms with the fact that this is how the world functions, you’ve got to chart your own course, no matter what. It wasn’t easy…and it still isn’t. But we are bringing about a change, one day at a time. I feel extremely proud that there are so many women pursuing a career in choreography today.”
C: Tell us the hurdles you’ve faced along the way, and how you overcame them.

SM: “As a choreographer, when you work with people who create the set or source props for you, and they refuse to listen to you simply because you’re a woman…it’s definitely annoying. While it might seem like this doesn’t happen in the real world, it does…and it can be very challenging. So, consequently, you assign your assistants to speak to them—man to man. You know, when I was designing my studio, the people working in the studio would always seek my father’s approval and instruction, instead of mine. I don’t know why men just can’t take us, women, seriously. Unfortunately, that’s just how the world is, and it must change.”

C: During trying moments, what gives you strength?

SM: “I have always believed in myself. We are four sisters, and, growing up, the world assumed that we are a liability to our parents. It's always going to be challenging for our parents to take care of themselves when they're old. But us sisters, we just grew up very different. I can call myself a fighter…I am rebellious. And I have taken it upon myself to just keep fighting the good fight.”


C: What has been your biggest learning?

SM: “My biggest learning has been that no matter what you do—and at whatever pace—you must enjoy yourself. If you enjoy the process, qué será, será. Life’s not just about your achievements, it’s about enjoying your journey.”

C: How would you define ‘pretty’?

SM: “Somehow, we have crafted this restrictive notion of beauty—slender waist and hips, and whatnot... Every woman is beautiful in her own, unique way. But the idea of beauty? That's pretty ugly.”

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