This Adele Lookalike is UNCANNY

She looks more like Adele than Adele does.

Mar 21, 2018

​There's only one Adele, we all know that. With her powerful voice and her elite winged eyeliner skills, no-one can compare.

Except this 22-year-old Swedish girl, maybe, because she looks SO much like Adele we've had to double take. Ellinor Helborg had been told by so many people that she bears a striking resemblance to the ​Hello ​singer that she decided to get creative.

She made like Adele, got her winged eyeliner on fleek, and posed in a similar way to the star's ​25 ​album cover, and just LOOK at the likeness. It's crazy.


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Ellinor AND Adele. Or is that just Ellinor twice:

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Genuinely can't tell. It's madness.

In another post on her Instagram, Ellinor addresses that fact that she has come up against some stick for her uncanny look. Clarifying that she's flattered to look so similar to Adele, she said: "I do not strive to look like her, or anyone else. I am my own person."

She continued: "I have my own face and I look like me. If you think I look like a certain person that's fine, but arguing about who I do or do not look like is pointless. Telling me or other people in the comments I don't look like Adele means nothing, because that is not who I am trying to be. I am my own person."

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Yup... a person who also happens to look VERY like Adele.

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All we need now is to see her prancing about with a flip phone in the middle of a cabin in the woods, and we'd hands down believe it was the real deal Adele.

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Credit: Cosmopolitan

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