Adele's Harry Potter Imitation Is the Most Magical Thing

Adele clearly knows the secret to our hearts.

Mar 21, 2018

In the below hilarious and adorable video, the hilarious and adorable Adele announces the tour stops for her first tour in four years. The video is like a blooper reel to a movie I would pay to see in the theaters; in it, Adele delivers the tour info in the cutest way possible, including a Harry Potter impersonation because Adele knows the secret to our hearts. 

Side note: Do you think Adele and Jennifer Lawrence have slumber parties where they strategize about how to be the ~*mOsT rElAtAbLe*~ celebrities on Earth? First they discuss the best ways to use swear words adorably and then they eat all the snacks, watch crap reality TV, and plot world domination? Because I'm pretty positive they do this every Friday night and I want in

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Credit: Cosmopolitan

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