Lady Gaga's Meat Dress Looks Pretty Bleak Now

The infamous meat dress that Lady Gaga wore to the 2010 MTV Video Awards still exists, five years after she wore it...

Mar 21, 2018

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Remember when Lady Gaga wore a raw meat dress to the 2010 MTV Video Music Awards and everyone thought it was probably the weirdest thing anyone has ever worn on the red carpet?

Of course you do.

But it might surprise you to learn that Gaga's meat wasn't thrown straight into the food recycling as soon as the singer was finished draping it over her private areas, and in fact, the dress still exists today.

Lady Gaga loaned her meaty ensemble - boots and all - to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame who have the outfit on display in their Women Who Rock exhibition.

"Right after the VMAs, the museum contacted Lady Gaga about the meat dress and the plan for the future", Jun Francisco, the Director of Collections, told MTV.

"They agreed to send it to us, but at the time it was still raw meat. So we had to figure out-we went back and forth with ideas-and the thing we decided on was to preserve it like a beef jerky. So it's taxidermied."


And the plan for the future of this famous outfit?

"Nobody has tried anything like this before and so a lot of conservators have never experienced this", Francisco said.

"There was another meat dress in the past, but they actually let it rot. It wasn't preserved at all. But this one is different since it's now beef jerky-we're assuming the lifespan of this dress is the lifespan of beef jerky! We're looking forward to seeing what that's like."

Hmm, we'll be honest with you Jun, we really, really don't...

By Jess Edwards

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