Designer Manish Arora Gets the Highest French Civilian Honour in Existence!

Félicitations à vous, Manish.

Mar 21, 2018

It's a #majormoment for Designer Manish Arora right about about now—he's just been awarded the Knight of the Legion of Honour, the highest French civilian distinction in the book, for his incredible body of work in fashion.

The Chevalier de la légion d'Honneur is France's most esteemed award to reward great service and contribution to French culture and history, and is given to both Frnch citizens and foreigners. To put things into perspective, this few-and-far-between received has been to given a select cluster of people from our country, from which Amitabh Bachchan, Pandit Ravi Shankar and JRD Tata are some of the first names that come to mind. 

The French Ambassador hosted an evening to commemorate the occasion on the lawns of the gorgeous Residence of France over cocktails and canapes. 

 Manish Arora was delighted, and made the rounds beaming. "I'm thrilled and honoured by the recognition I have received from the country that I love with all my heart. France has been an inspiration always. I now live between Paris and Delhi and for me France is literally my own country. I hope to keep getting inspired by France, the beauty and elegance of the French people," he said. 

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