Kaabia Grewal Tells Us All About Outhouse's Fabulous New Collection!

Mar 21, 2018

Kaabia Grewal (left) with Sasha Grewal at the Outhouse X Cosmo Party in July

The trending accessories of the mo'? Outhouse's #LoveWins Collection. But there's a lot more to those adorable lip-motif rings, earrings and necklaces that've been popping up all over your Insta feed than you know. Kaabia Grewal gives us the deets...

Cosmo: So, what inspired the #LoveWins collection?

Kaabia Grewal: "When same-sex marriage was legalised by Obama's government, we were overjoyed. We loved the thought of, well, love winning above all else! We wanted to do something to celebrate that thought (and in particular, that hashtag!). We saw so many people talking about how great the legalisation was, and about a million rainbow-hued profile pictures popped up on people's Facebook pages, but no one really did anything real about it. We didn't see the degree of support it should've gotten in India, and that's when we came up with the idea of the #LoveWins collection."

Cosmo: We love the lip motif you've used! What was the thought behind it?

Kaabia Grewal: "We wanted the collection to have a signature style, something that made it recognisably #LoveWins. We think the lip motif was ideal for that. Plus, we did a different take on the lip; instead of the rigmarole pouty/kissy face, we did this jagged-edged, geometric power-lip to give the concept a twist."

(The #Lovewins has the quirky lip motif in seven colours)

Cosmo: You say the range is distinctly different from Outhouse's usual merch...

Kaabia Grewal: "Oh, in more ways than one. Outhouse has this reputation of being flamboyant and OTT (and don't get us wrong, we love that reputation to death!), but #LoveWins is far more subtle. It's the kind of thing we've designed so you can wear it anywhere. It's a far more toned-down version of Outhouse than you've seen before. Plus, this range is incredibly reasonable priced; the necklaces are INR 1,500, the rings are INR 2,800 and the earrings are INR 3,500. The point isn't to make a profit, it's to create iconic jewellery for the cause."

Cosmo: You've also launched a full-fledged social media campaign...

Kaabia Grewal: "Oh, completely! We're all over Insta, Twitter, Facebook - you name it! We want this to go as viral as the ALS Ice Bucket challenge! We've been collaborating with bloggers overseas, speaking to magazines about lending us their support, and sending them as gifts to everybody we know. The point is for the message to get out through the jewellery; and for that to happen, the jewellery needs to be worn.

Cosmo: What's the statement you want a woman wearing a #LoveWins piece to be making?

Kaabia Grewal: That she's pro #LoveWins, liberal, and fiercely strong.

(The range of pieces in the #LoveWins collection)  

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