The Full Moon in Pisces Is Waking You Up

It's like a cosmic iced coffee.

By Six
Sep 20, 2021

If you ask me, we could all use a release. I hate to get heavy, but it has been a really long year. Literally, how are we not even at the autumn equinox? Without pointing out the obvious (*cough*) we have all had plenty of reasons to feel tired, overwhelmed, and burnt out.

On September 20, 2021 at 7:55 PM EST, the Moon will be full within the sign of Pisces. The Full Moon will make an exact opposition to the Sun in Virgo, speaking to our will to pick up the pace. There’s motivating energy in the air that calls upon our need to express ourselves, even if the meaning behind our sentiments is unclear. Pisces energy will thankfully give us the space to honor our affections through art, music, and other creative forms.

Remember, Full Moons are a time to release what no longer serves, let go of pent-up emotions, and confess feelings that we’ve refused to admit. For many, this can come as a relief but for some, this Full Moon may bring a few disappointments. Try not to sulk.

Read your Full Moon horoscope:


Navigating this Full Moon should come easily for you, Aries, as long as you lead with your mind and manage your heart’s desires. You may feel upset about imbalances within relationships. Be careful not to fly off the handle—that would be operating from a space of immaturity. Spend this Full Moon connecting with your subconscious, and your dreams will light the way.


You’re about to put the pedal to the metal, and there’s no time for you to become consumed by the need to be around others. Your true friends will be there for you as you center your focus around the world of work. Your motivation is kicking up a notch, and with it will come the expansion of your social circle. Cut loose ties to make room for growth.


You have big ideas about where you should be and what you should have achieved by now. Honor your childhood ideas and imaginative desires—they helped you get as far as you have now. But make sure you’re leveling with yourself and be practical about what it is you want. Focus on grounding yourself at home: The seeds you plant will have an easier time growing on stable ground.


You are so smart—did you know that about yourself? You’re an experiential learner, able to pick up on the lessons and morals behind even the most unfortunate events. You may need to hold your tongue during this Full Moon. When you see danger you might want to react, but this Full Moon is challenging you to intentionally respond.


It’s time to release your old items, Leo. As the seasons change and the equinox draws near, you will find that dust has collected on top of your clothes. Transformation occurs when you let yourself clear out the closet. Fashion has a way of cultivating your personality and shaping your life experiences, so dress for the life you desire!


Reason with your unspoken emotional expectations. Are you communicating to be understood? Do you live too carelessly in a world of imagination? Remember, your loved ones aren't mind readers and more often than not, they're preoccupied with their own world. Do not overextend yourself for those who are unable to extend. Focus on nourishing your own needs—that is enough for now.


Drowning yourself in your daily task is a coping mechanism. When we humans have problems in our minds and weights on our hearts, it's common to look for distractions of lesser significance. It's easier to cry over a lover who is emotionally unavailable than the harshness of adulthood. Coping is fine, as long as you treat the source of your discomfort.


There's so much strength in your ability to practice self-love, and you should feel proud of yourself. For this Full Moon, take the time to create a self-portrait. Incorporate paint, recyclables, photos, glitter, or anything else that speaks to you. This self-portrait is for you, so do not concern yourself if the lines are out of place or if your eyes look a little wonky. Consider the happy accidents and imperfections something that makes it unique.


There is an emotional pattern that is resurfacing, one that you have acted out more than once. Spending this Full Moon in a state of stillness is ideal—it will be easier for you to watch as life unfolds before you. Keep your head up, Sagittarius. You may want to regress back to a state when you gave into your feelings of fear, but you are not that scared person anymore. Hold your tongue and exude confidence.


Speak your truth, but only after careful thought. The words that you give life to cannot be unborn, they can only fall short of their potential. It's wise to be clear on what you wish to say before you say it. Clarity on your intentions can help you tell you're being understood. Release the expectation for a particular outcome and trust that all interactions bring a lesson.


Holding onto sentimental items, people, and places may not serve your higher purpose, Aquarius. You have been undergoing the process of transformation and growth, and it may feel like you’re in the eye of the storm right now. But when you are able to recognize the chaotic energy around you, you're able to decide how best to move forward. Let go of what holds you in a position of stagnation and confusion and find stability.


Your dreamy disposition is one of the most beautiful things about you. As lovely as it is to submerge your head into a world of imagination, you will watch parts of yourself die if you don't come up for air. Fishy friend, you love the water because potential is endless in the world of the unknown. Remember that you are human and in need of oxygen, awareness, and sunlight. Go out into the material world and reach out to those close to you.

Credit: Cosmopolitan

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