3 Yoga Asanas to Balance Pitta, Kapha, Vata Doshas

Check out the yoga poses to improve dosha imbalances that can help you get fitter and feel your best! 

Sep 6, 2021

You may have often heard that according to Ayurveda there are three doshas in the body known as Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Any imbalance between the three may cause a person to feel sluggish and even impact their immunity. 

Celebrity yogaprenur Grand Master Akshar says, "When these doshas are well-balanced, we can experience good health and well being. Along with the practice of yogic asanas done with proper technique of breathing, we should also modify the lifestyle that we lead to include more healthy habits. This includes factors such as the diet that we consume; keeping the body and organs hydrated with sufficient water, ensuring that we have plenty of sleep etc." 

He shares a sequence of Yoga asanas that you can follow in the given order with breathing techniques to balance out your doshas for overall well-being.

Parvatasana (Mountain Pose)


•    Gently drop your knees and palms down to form tabletop position or get in the Cat Pose  
•    Align palms under shoulders and knees under hips. 
•    Lift your knees up. Your body should form an inverted ‘V’. 
•    Keep your hands at shoulder-width distance. 
•    Lift your heels up
•    Focus on your big toes. 


• Begin in Dandasana stretching your legs out forward
• You can keep your knees slightly bent 
• Reach your arms up and keep your spine straight 
• Exhale as you bend forward from the hip 
• Hold your big toes with your fingers 
• Hold the asana for a while

Setu bandh asana (Bridge Pose)

•    Start in a seated position and fold your legs.
•    Lie down on your back and hold your heels/ankles
•    Tuck chin to chest
•    Inhale and lift up the pelvis as much as you can. 

Mudras For Each Dosha

Vaat Nashak Mudra

This mudra is very easy to do, just place the tips of the index finger and middle finger at the base of the thumb finger and applying gentle pressure with the thumbs. This should be done with both hands and for optimum results, one should do this mudra sitting in a meditative pose (Sukhasan/ Padmasan) for 45 minutes especially in the morning. 

Kapha Nashak Mudra

This mudra is formed by first placing the ring and the little fingers on the base of the thumb and then bringing gentle pressure of the thumb upon these fingers. It increases Pitta in the body but decreases the Kapha. Pitta is concerned with bodily heat (digestion/metabolism) and the circulatory system. These entities are stimulated and reinforced by this mudra.
This is an excellent mudra for people having a Kapha excess or a Pitta deficiency in their bodies. They can regularly perform this mudra even to prevent illness. However, people who have an excess of Pitta (heat) in their bodies should practice it in moderation, if at all.

Pitta Nashak Mudra- Prana Mudra

It is done with the help of both hands. Tips of the ring plus the little finger have to be joined by the tip of the thumb. All other fingers must be extended straight. Breathe in and exhale for the same duration. Perform the inhale and breathe out (by sound chanting). There is no specific time for performing this Asana/Mudra. However, it is eternally optional to perform this Mudra in privacy. Performing this Mudra in a quiet room awaken the senses. Like this simple plus available technique when you need a bit further balance plus easiness. The secret for this is Pran mudra.

Grand Master Akshar says, "There are many practices that can specifically help us to maintain a balance between the three doshas but here we are choosing easy asanas that are beginner-friendly and can be done by practitioners of all levels and ages. The key is to consistently practise these asanas and mudras to become healthier."

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