5 Healthy Foods That Prevent Overeating

Read here how you can maintain a calorie deficit and not feel hungry for a longer time.

Aug 12, 2021

When it comes to gaining or losing weight, your diet plays an important role in your fitness journey. What you eat (and overeat!) can actually affect your weighing scales as well as fat loss. 

According to fitness experts, a majority of fitness newbs often overeat so-called healthy snacks, which ends up backfiring and causing unnecessary weight gain. Meanwhile, others cut out entire food groups to go on no-carbohydrates or no-fat binges that can deprive the body of many essential nutrients. 

"To maintain a healthy calorie deficit, it is important to understand that your diet should be balanced, which means that you should include all five food groups, namely carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, and minerals, in your diet and consume from each of them. You must also consume fewer calories than your body requires or burns in a day to maintain a calorie deficit," says dietitian Vidhi Chawla.

So what can you do? Well, you can indulge in healthy snacks that are high in fibre and other nutrients that keep you full for longer.

"Apple contains a lot of soluble fibre and pectin. These bulky fibres take a long time to chew, allowing the stomach to signal the brain when you're full and prevent overeating. Oat bran is low in calories and high in satiating fibre, which absorbs water and expands in volume during digestion, giving you a feeling of fullness. Thiamine-rich is found in yoghurt, eggs, legumes, avocado, and almonds which helps maintain appetite and growth. It is important to understand that if you are feeling hungry after your meals, you should aim for whole-grain meals that are high in fibre and stay in your stomach longer," says Vidhi.

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