7 Fitness Tips You NEED to Know to Get in Shape Fast!

Like eating an orange before working out keeps your muscles from getting sore!

Mar 21, 2018

#1. Working out before going to bed helps you burn more calories (and faster) as you sleep.

#2. This is the simplest trick to lose weight faster- have your last meal of the day four hours before going to bed.

#3. No matter how lazy or unmotivated you feel, make sure you ALWAYS work out on a Monday. This sets the psychological clock for the rest of the week.

#4. Include the following foods in your daily diet to improve your metabolism: avocado, beans, spinach, soy milk, apples, cinnamon, almonds, coffee, green tea, broccoli, grapefruit, oatmeal, and yogurt.

#5. Drink two cups of cold water every morning (on an empty stomach) to lose weight faster.

#6. We all know that eating an orange before the workout sesh is an excellent way to keep yourself hydrated! But did you know it also helps in preventing soreness in the muscles?

#7. Wear fitted clothes to make yourself aware of your body and keep the motivation to work out going!

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