
AIB's Tanmay Bhatt as a Feminist Bee is Just Hilarious

His cute Marathi accent makes him even more adorable , while he makes the correct point

Mar 21, 2018

AIB's Tanmay Bhatt has done it again! This time using a the Snapchat bee filter to make his point. Tanmay takes on the hilarious avatar of a self righteous and feminist Marathi Bee , delving into the world of sexism ,friend zoning , male egos and office politics faced by women , all from a Bee's perspective.

While absolutely hilarious , the videos also hit home on some pertinent and very real points making them even more wonderful to watch.

Its nice to see new age internet comedians use their fame and followers to help spread an important message a well, all the while keeping us in splits of laughter. We love you Tanmay Bhatt.

Check out the videos of the snapchat story bellow

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