Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie Divorce and the Internet Reacts

Mainly with Jennifer Aniston GIFs

Mar 21, 2018

Following news of Angelina Jolie filing for divorce from Brad Pitt (current emotions: ASDHKJHGFDSAD), the internet exploded with reactions, GIFs and a general consensus of WTF.

And whilst the real reason why is yet to be confirmed, there's been speculation about whether a third party is involved or she wasn't happy with his parenting technique, though nothing has been confirmed by either party.

Instead, we're left with the reactions of the people of Twitter - who quickly trended #Brangelina and Jennifer Aniston on Twitter.

​The Team Jen supporters:

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The Brangelina shippers:

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​The celebs had their say:

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​And then there were the ridiculous one:

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Credit: Cosmopolitan

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