Can Listening to Music While Exercising Boost Your Workout? Studies Reveal...'s quite possible!

May 30, 2018

If you're ready to climb back a double-flight of stairs just to get the earplugs you forgot whilst heading out for your workout (which happened in the first place thanks to a hell lot of coaxing!), we get how important listening to music is for you, while on the treadmill. Just like it is for most of us, really. 

Our stamina increases, and there's a whole other adrenaline rush that makes us all aggressive towards those stubborn kilos that have been keeping us from fitting into that much coveted dress (insert heart-eyed emojis) as soon as the music starts pumping. Turns out, it's more than just a mood-boosting distraction that makes us last longer, often without realising. There are certain scientific facts backing the theory that maybe, music does make our workout more effective!

Besides the obvious fact that there's less attention to pain and exhaustion when we are busy mentally rapping with Eminem while simultaneously finishing our set, music also helps promote metabolic efficiency. In fact, most people tend to co-ordinate their movements with the beat of the music, deemed as "rhythm response" by psychologists. Now you know why most workout playlists are loaded with hip-hop, upbeat, fast-paced music. When moving rhythmically to a beat, the body may not have to make as many adjustments to coordinated movements, as it would without regular external cues, which in turn boosts our workout performance! 

There's also a psychological impact of tuning in to your favourite music while toiling hard on sculpting your body. Remember how you always want to keep on driving endlessly when your favourite songs are playing, just so that you can keep listening, a bit more? Just like that, when our body begins to recognise signs of physical fatigue while working out and wants to stop, listening to our fave tracks helps divert our mind's attention and push a bit more.

All thanks to serotonin, the "feel good" hormone that puts us in a better mood for our workout, we are exercising a bit more than we would have sans music. Bet you have newfound respect for your trusty earplugs now, don't you? 

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