Foods that help build and increase libido

Delicious food and an increased sex drive—it's a win-win! 

Jun 12, 2023

Everyone's libido a.ka. sex drive is different. A lot of factors can have an effect on your libido—from your age, sleeping habits and medications, to your eating habits. But there are a few lifestyle changes that can boost and improve your sexual desire, including a few foods that are frequently advised. Remember, that the effect of these foods on libido varies from person to person and that keeping a healthy lifestyle, in general, is vital for sexual health. While there is limited scientific evidence to support the usefulness of aphrodisiac foods, these have long been thought to improve the sex drive. While the nutritional value of these foods varies by individual, including these foods in your diet may be worth a go. 

Oysters: Due to their substantial zinc content, which is needed for the production of testosterone and libido, oysters are generally regarded as a traditional aphrodisiac. Furthermore, they contain tyrosine which helps to release dopamine, thereby boosting the libido.

Dark chocolate: It includes phenylethylamine, a chemical linked to sensations of desire and enthusiasm that increases endorphin release and improves one’s mood. It also includes flavonoids, which enhance blood flow and may boost libido. 

Avocado: This fruit is high in beneficial fats, antioxidants like vitamin E, and B vitamins, all of which are necessary for hormone synthesis and energy levels. They have a sensuous feel and are regarded as fertility signs.

Watermelon: Contains Vitamin C, nitrites (vasodilator), and citrulline, an amino acid that may relax the vessels and enhance circulation. It’s also useful for males to correct erectile dysfunctions. Some say, watermelon could have an impact comparable to Viagra as it increases the flow of blood in certain parts of the body.

Asparagus: It is a vegetable that provides a lot of folate—which can boost the histamine production and help with arousal, along with vitamin E and potassium. These nutrients are necessary for generating sexual hormones, improving circulation, and improving desire.

Strawberries: They are high in vitamin C and antioxidants, which helps increase blood flow. Strawberries are also regarded as a sensuous fruit and may make an excellent option at a romantic dinner table.

Almonds: Almonds are high in minerals such as zinc, selenium, and vitamin E, all of which are necessary for sexual health. They also offer energy and may aid in the improvement of mood and libido.

Chilli peppers: They contain the antioxidant capsaicin, which activates nerve endings and promotes blood circulation. It has the ability to increase sexual desire and release endorphins.

Figs: They are very high in flavonoids, polyphenols, and antioxidants, and have been associated with fertility and sexuality. They include a lot of amino acids, which can help increasing stamina and libido.

Honey: Helps combat oxidative damage and boost sex drive. It contains B vitamins and boron, which can help to boost oestrogen and testosterone levels.

Saffron: For many years, saffron has been used as an aphrodisiac. It has the potential to improve mood and increase sexual desire.

Ginseng: A herb that has long been utilised in traditional medicine for its aphrodisiac effects. It may help to improve sexual function and libido.

Nuts and seeds: Almonds, walnuts, and pumpkin seeds, for example, are high in important fatty acids, zinc, and vitamin E. These nutrients are necessary for hormone production as well as reproductive health. 

Garlic: This spice has allicin, a chemical that increases blood flow and circulation. It may also help reduce blood pressure, which can, in turn, improve sexual health.

Fenugreek: Commonly used as a flavouring agent, fenugreek is rarely known for it aphrodisiac qualities. Studies show that it significantly increases arousal and libido. To get your passion on fleek, don’t forget fenugreek.

While these food items help to boost libido, it is also important to tackle this problem more holistically. Maintaining a good sex drive requires a positive lifestyle that includes regular exercise, stress management, and communication with your spouse.

Inputs by Tejas Rajaputhran, Sports Science Lecturer, MSc Sports Nutrition, Dt.Vidhi Chawla, Founder of Fisico Diet Clinic, and Dr. Manoj Kutteri, Medical Director & CEO of Atmantan Wellness Centre

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