How to choose the right career counsellor

It’s time to invest in your success and your future the right way. 

Feb 25, 2023

It’s normal to feel confused when it comes to choosing a career. After all, it is one of the most important life decisions that you may have to take. And while you can always change the course of your professional life at any time, it is important to find your true calling. And this, sometimes, becomes simpler if you have a guide to help you through it.

A career counsellor will bring the best of both worlds for you; they will try to get an insight into what you like—your passions, interests, skill sets—and give you an understanding of the opportunities that are out there that best suit your needs. 

So here's your guide to find the right career counsellor. 

Understand why you’re considering one in the first place

Career counsellors help you chart out a career path that’s best suits you. Whether you are a fresher or are stuck in a profession that doesn’t interest you anymore, they can guide you. They will highlight the skills and experiences that you have and need to take that step.

Sherene Aftab, founder at Serene Hour Counselling & Career Advice Consultancy, gives us a deep dive into the why. She says, “At the end of the day, why do you want to get into a field or study something that you won’t enjoy or make a career out of. You could also go to a career counsellor to know what else is out there.”

The pressure cooker that is called exams

An individual's first introduction to deadlines and cut-throat competition is at school—what with assignments, tests, and exams. Kids feel as anxious and nervous as adults, if not more. Are kids worried about scores? And is this part of career counselling? Aftab says, “Kids are in a pressure-cooker situation. I often ask students if they feel anxious about their exams and how they deal with it. It gives me an insight into their thought process, learning patterns and so on. Doing tasks that they are not adept at gives them anxiety. The results of your aptitude and personality tests matter only to the extent that align with your goals. There's no point giving options that don't make sense, even if they're right.”

Career counselling isn’t just for students

The confusion and anxiety about career doesn't stop after schooling years. You may find yourself stuck at your job in one role or level and may want to break free. Your career goals may have shifted due to a change in lifestyle, and a counsellor to help you set on a new path that can help you meet your new needs. 

The things to keep in mind when choosing a career counsellor

•    Read reviews, ask for recommendations and check their accreditation. Also, read up on them to know if their area of expertise aligns with your field of interest. Even better, if they have guided people whose career goals are similar to yours. 
•    Read up on how they assess their clients. Are their skills based on personality traits or on your skills. Knowing what they do and why they do it will help you make an informed decision.
•    Know how they help clients when it comes to identifying the obstacles that stand between you and establishing a career where you prosper and how to overcome them. 
•    Know the type of counselling that best suits you—do you want a counsellor who gives individual sessions or one that offers group packages? Only you know the answer. This will help you get the understanding if they’ll be able to help you in a manner that’s affordable and well within your timeframe. 
•    Ensure that they match your personality—while everyone’s personality is different, the binding thread that tells you that you’ve chosen the right career counsellor is them being positive, realistic, knowledgeable and having the ability to give actionable advice. 


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