How going down on each other brings you closer in a relationship

You need to get a-head in life. 

May 8, 2023

Along with being emotionally and mentally connected to your partner, the sexual chemistry that you share is equally important, if not more. Sex shall always be an integral part of a relationship, one that brings you closer in a way that deepens the bond that you share. However, sex may be about connection but it is also about orgasms.

According to the Durex Global Sex Survey 2017, nearly 70 per cent of Indian women do not have an orgasm every time they have sex, and 80 per cent of men always do. Women need much more than penetrative sex to come, and clitoral orgasms are the most common. This means your partner must stimulate your C-spot as well. 

With oral sex being really good and fundamental to a healthy sex life, here’s why you shouldn’t leave it out. 

It teaches you about giving

Oral sex is all about giving. When your partner goes down on you, you should feel closer to them. It is, after all, an act of service that shows and tells you that nothing matters more to your partner, at that point in time than your pleasure. 

Oral sex strikes the perfect balance that keeps both people happy

If both of you share the same sex drive in the relationship, brilliant. But often is the case where one person has a higher sex drive than the other. This means that when one person is not in the mood for penetrative sex, they may still want to go down on the other person and feel the intimacy.

A woman has higher chances of an orgasm through clitoral stimulation

Your body releases the ‘love hormone’ oxytocin when you have a climax. It’s a feel-good neurochemical that makes you feel closer to your partner. Oral sex for women means a lot of clitoral action. Not only will their chances of having orgasm increase, but going down on your partner is a step towards knowing their body better and understanding what makes them feel good and how they want to be pleasured down there. 

There’s a lot to do before you get to this stage

While we’re talking about all things climax, it’s important to take some steps back and ask yourself if both parties want oral sex in the first place. Talking about your sexual needs is tough, but it's a conversation that must happen. 

You need to know what you want when it comes to sex and why you want it. And then it's important to let your partner know the same. This conversation also opens up ample room to know how your partner feels about giving or receiving oral sex. This will help the other person realise how much they loved oral sex and how much they want it, or make them know the reasons behind them not wanting to do so. 

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