Ultrasound Captures Adorable Baby Smiling After Hearing Her Sister's Voice

Is this incredible or what?

Mar 21, 2018

Aimee Fagan's third daughter might just be the happiest baby ever — and she hasn't even been born yet.

Fagan was at an ultrasound with her three-year-old daughter, Mollie, when the sonographer handed them a rather dazzling photo. The baby-on-the-way was grinning from ear to ear — and it sounds like Mollie's first act as a big sister might have been the reason why.

At the beginning of the ultrasound, the baby was a tad (camera) shy. "I went in for the scan and the baby was hiding at first and wouldn't let us have a look at her," Fagan told Daily Mail. But Mollie had a few tricks up her sleeve. She began talking into her mom's belly — and all of a sudden, the baby came into view and … beamed.

"We wondered if it was because of Mollie and the [sonographer] said 'Stop talking for a minute,' then the baby stopped smiling," said Fagan. We bet you can guess what happened next. "As soon as Mollie started speaking again she was just smiling away as if she recognized her," she said.

Fagan said this will be her last child and she's thrilled to have experienced such a bonding moment between her youngest girls: "It was amazing to see," she said. Based on her smile, it looks like baby number three can't wait to join her big sisters, Mollie and Macy, 6, come January. We wonder how big her smile will be then — when she can finally greet her sisters face to face.

[h/t Daily Mail]

Credit: Cosmopolitan

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