The Unexpected Thing Cabin Crew Say Will Help You Sleep On a Plane

Very useful advice

By Dusty Baxter-Wright
Aug 19, 2019

There are lots of annoying things about long haul flights, but nothing is quite as frustrating as clock-watching for hours at a time because you're struggling to drift off and fall asleep.

And while there are obvious steps you can take to try and make getting some shut eye that little bit easier, what do cabin crew do to make sleeping on an aeroplane all the easier?

Flight attendant and travel blogger Kara Mulder has revealed her unexpected tip for nodding off on her blog The Flight Attendant Life, and it's all to do with when you eat.

She explains that sets her watch to the time zone where she's landing, and only eats at what would be regular times, writing, "Immediately change your watch to the local time. Fall into a local time schedule and routine with eating and sleeping.

"Do not go to sleep at 1pm. Wait to fall asleep at a regular time [in that time zone]. Your body will quickly readjust.


"If the snack and meal service is not served on the your eating schedule, go ahead and pass on the food. Pack your own healthy granola bars, trail mix, dried fruit, etc. Also, be careful and avoid foods that cause gastrointestinal distress and be careful not to overeat."


Considering our schedule revolves solely around as and when we're next eating, this is definitely a tip we can get on board with. It makes sense as to why it would work, too - if it's three in the morning at the destination you're flying to, you probably shouldn't start digging into your breakfast.

This also makes sense if you're hoping for your time zones to line up when you get there - and hey, if part of Kara's advice is to take snacks to avoid going hungry, we're on board.

Credit: Cosmopolitan

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