3 Easy DIY Face Toners That'll Keep Oil Away From Your Face All Day Long

Oily skin? As if!

Mar 21, 2018

Having oily skin, especially in the summer can feel like a total drag! Check out our top 3 face toners that will help absorb excess oil and leave your skin looking squeaky clean!

1) Lemon tonerLemons naturally dry out oils from the skin with tightening pores. Mixing lemon with distilled water will also give the skin a cooling effect.

Here's how to do itSqueeze the juice from one lemon and add to a travel sized spray bottle. Fill the rest with distilled water and enjoy!

2) Cucumber and rose water tonerCucumbers are great to deep clean and improve the texture of the skin. Adding rose water to a cucumber toner is great for clear complexion because rose water is anti inflammatory.

Here's how to do itCut up half cucumber and peel off skin. Add to blender and and blend till smooth. Pour the mixture through mesh to get rid of all the chunks and add half cup of rose water to cucumber water. Add mixture to small spray bottle and you are done!

3) Apple cider vinegarUsing apple cider vinegar toner helps to unclog pores, removes dirt/oil from the skin and gives your face a heathy look in no time!

Here's how to do itMix 1/4 of a small spray bottle with organic apple cider vinegar and the rest with distilled water. Shake well and apply to the skin!

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