7 Ridiculously Easy Ways To Always Look Put Together

Just rolled out of bed? No way!

Mar 21, 2018

Ever see some girls who always look like they have their sh*t together? Ever wonder how they find the time to always look polished? Read on and you will see that looking pulled together is not as hard as you thought!

1) Fill in your brows.

Clean, sharp brows gives your face structure and instantly makes you look and feel put together!

2) Throw on anything tailored.

A fitted blazer or pencil skirt will give you quick and easy polished look!

3) Work that pose!

Stand with your feet 4-6 inches apart, then imagine a balloon tied to the top of your head pulling everything up ever so slightly.

4) Focus on the eyes

Don't have time to do a full face of makeup? Focus on the eyes by adding illuminator in the inner corners and finishing off with mascara!

5) When in doubt, put on big sunglasses!

This celebrity approved trick, always works!

6) Build a 'core' wardrobe.

If you don't have too much time to put outfits together, have certain 'go-to' pieces in your closet (ex. skinny jeans, fitted sweater, fancy flats) which require no thinking whatsoever!

7) Wear red lipstick.

Because nothing says 'I've got my sh*t together like the perfect red pout. Nothing.

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