12 Struggles Only Girls With Depression Will Understand

No. 8 is too real.

Mar 21, 2018

1. You're tired ​all the time​. ​Literally what does it feel like to be awake and full of energy?

2. Which means you miss so many fun parties. ​And for some reason, saying, "Sorry, I couldn't make it I was feeling really weird and depressed and had to stay in" makes people uncomfortable? ¯_(ツ)_/¯​

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3. How loosely people use the word "depressed."​ There is a definitive difference between depression and sadness. Depression is chronic, while sadness is fleeting. Often times, depression isn't triggered by anything, while sadness usually is. So no, you're not ​sooo ​"depressed" this season of ​Game of Thrones​ is over.

4. Remembering that you're not lazy, you just have a disease that makes it really difficult to do things. ​Take deep breaths, try to swallow that self-loathing, and don't be so angry with yourself when you're super lethargic.

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5. People not believing you're depressed because you look "fine." ​Depressed people don't walk around perpetually crying or shouting about how shitty they feel. Sometimes, you can't even tell.

6. You either can't eat at all, or you can't stop eating. ​OMG, what's it like to have a normal relationship with food? Is it cool?

7. It's the worst when you get your period. ​At first you're like, OMG, did my meds stop working but then it's like, ​duuuuh​, I'm about to get my period.

8. Trying to explain to people that you're not depressed for a specific reason. Certainly circumstantial factors exacerbate depression, but there's not necessarily a rhyme or reason for why I feel like crap on any given day.

9. You're intimately acquainted with depression's annoying little brother, anxiety. ​Chances are, if you suffer from depression, you also suffer from a host of other mental disorders. It sucks.

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​10. That feeling of aimless emptiness. ​It feels like nothing can fill you up, and it's torturously boring.

11. Those days where your brain won't STFU. ​It's like, can you chill out with the self-loathing for one second so I can actually do things to combat said self-loathing? Nope. OK. Cool.

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12. When people who don't know you offer unsolicited suggestions on how to manage your depression. ​Unless you're my therapist or I'm asking you, I'm not interested in what you think I should do to manage my depression. Thanks!​

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Credit: Cosmopolitan

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