4 Mesmerizing Acroyoga Poses Anyone Can Master

And watch allll the likes roll in.

Mar 21, 2018

Acroyoga is the stuff that #YogaGoals are made of.

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In its most basic form, this playful, partner-based practice involves a base (the person touching the ground), a flyer (self explanatory), and in the safest scenarios, a spotter (although the base can spot the flyer if you're one yogi short of a squad). There are static poses, and very impressive flow sequences that transition smoothly between poses.

But acroyoga doesn't just rack up loads of likes. "[It] teaches us to slow down, to flex our listening muscles, and to share loving kindness and safe, healing touch," explains Britta Rael, an Acroyoga International teacher.

Depending on your practice and your role, you can expect acroyoga to release the tension in your back, chest, shoulders, and neck.​ And when you get really into therapeutic flying, where experienced acroyogis flow through a series of side bends, twists, backbends, forward folds, shoulder openers, and more, the base becomes a massage table for the flyer, who is moved passively through through the air, creating the ~enlightening~ sensation of floating in water.

If you're thinking of getting started, here are the answers to some pressing acroyoga questions you might have:

​Q: How do I know my base is strong enough to support me?

"Acroyoga is all about connection—through playfulness, curiosity and trust," Rael says. It's why you definitely want to chose the right partner, i.e., someone who is ​just about your height and weight. (This way, you can easily switch roles, which helps you appreciate all sides of the practice and learn poses much more quickly.​)

​Q: Can I seriously try this at home?

It's best to ease into acroyoga under the supervision of an experienced teacher for obvious reasons.

But if you're able-bodied, open-minded, and all like, "I got this," here are some beginners' poses that literally anyone can try, from Mary Aranas​, an acroyoga instructor who teaches at Om Factory in New York City:

1. Folded Leaf

​How to do it: Start by facing your partner. The base lies face-up with knees bent slightly outward, placing the feet in a V-shape below the flyer's hipbones. The base reaches up to press his palms against the flyer's palms and extends his knees as the flyer shifts her weight to the base's feet. The base extends his legs, feet directly over the hips, as the flyer slowly lets her body drape forward over the the front of the base's legs with arms limp and legs extended, parallel to the floor. The spotter (not pictured) stands facing the flyer's back with hands near the flyer's hips without touching.

2. Front Plank​

​How to do it: ​Start by facing your partner.​ The base lies on his back and bends his knees to position the balls of her feet on the front of the flyer's hip bones. Both partners extend their arms to connect palm-to-palm as the flyer transfers her weight to the base's feet, and the base extends his legs, bringing his feet up over the hips and keeping his legs parallel. The flyer engages her core to straighten the body to plank position parallel to the ground. Meanwhile, the spotter (not pictured) stands to the side with bent knees and arms encircling the flyer, or beneath her without touching.

3. Front Bird

How to do it: ​From front plank position, the base tilts the balls of his feet up as the flyer engages her back and legs to gaze forward and slowly lift her chest, floating the hands back, arms wide. Meanwhile, the spotter (not pictured) stands by to the side with bent knees and arms encircling the flyer, or beneath her without touching.​

4. High Flying Whale

How to do it:​ The base lies on his back and extends his legs straight up. The flyer stands with her feet on either side of the base's head, toes pointed away from him. Both the flyer and base lightly grasp each other's ankles with thumbs on the inside, fingers on the outside. The flyer bends her knees and leans backwards as the base places the soles of his feet on the flyer's upper back near the bottom of her shoulder blades. (The closer base's feet are to the flyer's head, the gentler the backbend, which can be more comfortable for beginners.) The base extends his arms overhead to lift the flyer's feet off the ground and also extends his legs, settling on a position that keeps the flyer's body stable and centered — the base's feet don't have to be over the hips for this pose. The flyer can raise her arms overhead, cross them at the chest, or use them to support her head. The spotter (not pictured) encircles the flyer's torso while she gets into position and especially when she exits the pose, which can leave the flyer a bit dizzy.

Q: Got any tips so I don't die trying ^^^?

  • Partner up with someone who's ~experienced.~ An experienced partner isn't vital, but it can foster trust and make everything feel a bit more comfortable.
  • Synchronize your breathing. ​Inhaling and exhaling together helps you connect with your partner — important when you're working together to master poses.
  • Try basing and flying. ​Experiencing the same pose from different angles will help you anticipate what your partner needs — and help you ask for what you need.
  • Communicate with your partner. Questions like, "What can I do to help here?" can make acroyoga more fulfilling for both partners — and a simple, "Have you got my back?" or "Can you spot my head?" can go a long way in keeping you safe.
  • Be patient. You can practice a pose or transition 100 times before you really understand and can start to master it.

When basing:

  • Avoid arching your back. This way, you'll benefit from a solid hamstring stretch and help release any tension in your lower back.
  • Prop a folded mat or blanket under your hips to alleviate tight hamstrings. ​You can also soften the knees.

When spotting:

  • Anticipate the most dangerous direction any pose could go in. Try to protect the flyer's head, slow their descent, and help their feet find the floor.
  • Protect your back by bending your knees. ​Keeping your center of gravity low to the ground = ready for anything.

When flying:​

  • Avoid sudden movements. Move slowly, being mindful of your own center of gravity. (You don't want to mess with gravity.)

Follow Elizabeth on Twitter and Instagram.

Credit: Cosmopolitan

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