8 ways to nail a night out

Seriously, get these party hacks in YO' LIFE

Mar 21, 2018

​1. Get your stomach nice and full

You've got a long night ahead of you; so make sure you're fully loaded with an energy-boosting dinner. Check out these essential pre-party meals. YEAH, YOU'RE WELCOME.

2. Do your homework

Fancy spending half your wages on a night out? No? Us neither. Get savvy with your spending and suss out the bars doing deals, discounts and special vouchers like All Bar One, who've teamed up with Bailey's to exclusively offer Cosmopolitan readers a free Flat White Martini, whenever you or a friend buy one. DREAMY! (Click here to download the voucher, then head to your nearest venue - you can find it here)

3. Know your playlist

Never judge a club by its cover and leave your final destination to chance – you're smarter than that. Hit up a city guide app with reviews, such as Yelp, the day before to figure out which venues are going to have the kind of music you want to be dancing to (with an entry price that suits your budget, 'cause sadly fun don't always come for free. Sob.)  

4. Bring secret flats, obviously

If you like going hard with your heels, but end the night by crying a shiny river of tears dedicated to your new blisters thanks to the walk home and excess sashaying, we have the solution. Butterfly Twists are flats that fold up small enough to chill in your handbag until it's time to sprint for the night bus home. *all the rejoicing emojis* ?

5. Pre-order your late night food

Let's face it; if you've been out with friends until dawn, you're unlikely to be awake before midday – so arrange your brunch/lunch food in advance. Plenty of takeaway joints on Just Eat let you order the day before – meaning, even if you overspend on your night out, you've still got that tasty, life-saving pizza coming your way the next day. No. Matter. What. 

(P.S. FOOD HACK ALERT: if you work for the NHS you get 50% off Dominos when you collect in person and 20% off Nandos. Hollllerrrrr.)

6. Want more than a dance floor?

Check out YPlan, it's an app that fills you in on the latest quirky events and activities trending in your city, that's everything from boat parties, cocktail evenings to Japanese supper club pop-ups. Plus, you can buy tickets to most of the events they feature without being charged a booking fee, KA-CHING.

7. Take cash, you'll spend less

Actual science says so – if you've got a debit card, the money feels endless... CAUSE IT'S INVISIBLE, AND OUT OF SIGHT = OUT OF MIND. If you're holding actual paper, then you've got clear, concrete boundaries and you'll be more reluctant to part with your hard-earned cashola on unnecessary spends. Leave your card at home; your overdraft will thank you for it.

8. Discount your beauty regime

If you haven't heard of (or used) Wahanda yet… babes, where have you been? This website/app is a dream come true for scoring last-minute beauty appointments at thousands of salons across the UK, most of which offer a cheapie deals when booked online. It's a God given FACT you're gonna feel 517 times sassier on a night out with a discounted blow dry, so get involved.

Credit: Cosmopolitan

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