A Beginner's Guide to Mediation

Tips to master the mindfulness technique.

Mar 21, 2018

Madeline Shaw is not just Instagram's ultimate #healthspo and BFF to our Cover gal Millie Mackintosh. She's a health coach, yoga teacher and bestselling author, and with the launch of her new Glow Guides App (a super-sensible transformational programme) she's the ultimate BS-free wellness guru we can all relate to and learn from.

'Munch, Move and Meditate' are the three pillars supporting her approach and here Maddy reveals how to kick-start your commitment to the often neglected spirit side. Sitting comfortably? Then we'll begin.

1. Just start!

"How to get started? Just start! You don't master meditation the first time you try it - you just have to keep going back to your practice every day. Many people are intimidated by meditation; they see it as this scary unknown that is too difficult. Trust me, it gets easier! Ever since I started meditating I feel calmer and more focused. It has become something I look forward to and I know you will too."

2. Set the mood

"My tips and tricks for winding down and focusing are to first take three deep, conscious breaths. Sit in a nice, comfortable spot, put on relaxing music and light a candle. It's all about setting the mood and doing your practice in the same spot in your house each day."

3. Repeat your practice in a habitual way

"At first, like anything, it seems foreign, but by doing your practice in the same spot each day it will soon feel so natural and easy. It's all about forming habits."

4. Use an app to guide you

"There is a real sense of community in my app which really helps. Users can message each other and I live stream new content every week, giving you a nice motivation boost. You can share pictures or ask questions if you are having trouble with the meditations."

5. Group meditation can help inspire you

"I first started meditating when I lived in Sydney. I used to go to these big events called Conscious Club where hundreds of people would meditate together. It was so powerful and made me very intrigued to do it by myself."

6. Meditate to music

"My favourite music to play is Enya or any non-lyrical relaxing music."

7. Find your phrase

"A phrase (or phrases) can help when meditating. I like to say "let go" to myself. I inhale saying "let" and exhale saying "go". I find this very relaxing and find my body listens to my little mantra."

8. Try 'body love' meditation

"My favourite meditation is 'body love' which helps you accept and love your body. Often we can be so hard on ourselves and our bodies and this approach is so loving and kind – it makes you feel better about yourself instantly."

9. Don't expect it to happen overnight

"I don't think you ever master meditation as such, unless you become 'enlightened'. However, after a few weeks you get into the flow of it and it seems more natural and easy."

Madeleine Shaw's eight-week transformational programme, Glow Guides, is out now - a pocket personal trainer, nutritionist and life coach all in an app. 

Credit: Cosmopolitan

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