This Excited Dog Thought He'd Made Some New Friends, Until…

We can feel his confusion!

Mar 21, 2018

As domesticated as our dogs might be, they still have to navigate some of our human objects and behaviours. Take the TV, for example – humans watching other humans who live inside a box? How odd.

And what about mirrors? A very strange, reflective surface into which humans stare are someone who looks exactly like them...

Well this is the dilemma that one golden retriever recently had to face and his adorable reaction has gone viral. In fact, 2.2 million people have been giggling over his confusion. 

The retriever is caught on camera in a room with two mirrored walls which, to the non-the-wiser pup, presents him with three new friends to play with.

He bounds around the mirrors, excited over his new found companions, but can't quite figure out why his new friends are moving and barking in exactly the same way as him.

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They are, of course, his reflections. Watch the video for yourself...

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Of the two million plus viewers, many have commented on the video to share their feelings towards the confused pup.

Facebook user, Elizabeth Ibarra, said, 'Aww so cute and sad. He thinks they are his friends. When it's just really him.'

Where as Stell Mary thinks this a great solution - 'This is how you keep a dog amused all day while you're not at home.'

We certainly can't blame this poor pup for being mistaken. We're just glad we don't have to explain to him that millions of humans have watched him on the internet from all over the world. After all, the internet still baffles us!


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