Here's What Karuna Ezra Parikh Has to Say About Feminism

"Only women of incredible privilege can say, 'Feminism is dated'.."

Mar 21, 2018

"I own a T-shirt that says 'Feminism: The radical notion that women are people'. It's funny, but it also sums up the depth of sexism today. To be a feminist only means to want equality. Me? I cook, I knit, I wear a bikini on national television, I demand flowers, I like my heavy bags held up and my doors held open. And no, I don't believe any of those things make me less of a feminist. We should all be feminist right now. Sexism affects 50 percent of the world's population. Only women of incredible privilege can say, 'Feminism is dated'. To say, 'I believe in equality, not feminism' is riduculous—they're the same. And until that equality is a reality, feminism cannot be made redundant."

Shorts, Adidas; sneakers, Christian Dior; choker, Olivia Dar, Photograph: Mehtab Mann, ​Styling: Zunaili Malik

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