If You Get Really Bad PMS, There's More Bad News About Your Health

Because the cramps and mood swings weren't enough.

Mar 21, 2018

Feeling grumpy because PMS has simultaneous control over your brain and your uterus? This study isn't going to make you feel much better, so get some wine and ice cream, and put on a fluffy robe before reading it.

The Washington Post reports that a new study has found women with severe PMS symptoms are more likely to face health consequences later in life. The study, published in the American Journal of Epidemiology, crunched the numbers around 3,720 women with an average age of 40 at the beginning of the study. They asked the participants about their PMS symptoms and then tracked them over 20 years.

What they found doesn't bode well for people who are already suffering to begin with. Women who had moderate to severe PMS symptoms were 40 percent more likely to develop high blood pressure, or hypertension, than women who had little or no PMS. Women with PMS were far more likely to develop high blood pressure before age 40, so this isn't something that happens when you reach retirement.

These results were controlled for factors like smoking, fitness levels, BMI, and alcohol consumption. And sadly, taking hormonal birth control or antidepressants may lessen your symptoms, but won't lower your risk for high blood pressure.

"PMS is quite a complicated disorder, and likely has many contributing factors," Dr. Elizabeth R. Bertone-Johnson, the study's lead author, told Reuters. "Women affected are likely more sensitive to monthly fluctuations in estrogen and progesterone levels than other women, and to fluctuations in neurotransmitters regulating mood." 

The researchers did notice one interesting factor: Women with a lower risk of hypertension consumed more B vitamins, including thiamine and riboflavin. Though they need to do further research to prove any link, the researchers say it might be helpful to eat more B-packed foods like dairy, eggs, and green, leafy vegetables. And above all, if you have really bad PMS all the time, make sure you talk to your doctor and get your blood pressure tested on a regular basis.

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Credit: Cosmopolitan

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