"It's Called Vitiligo." Woman's Poignant Tattoo Educates People On The Skin Condition

Let's all stop staring and start understanding.

Mar 21, 2018

Meet New Yorker Tiffany Posteraro, whose motto is, "I have Vitiligo but Vitiligo doesn't have me".

After years of being cruelly bullied about her skin condition, which causes patchy depigmentation, the 25-year-old has stopped covering and started celebrating her Vitiligo.

"My body image and self-esteem has been something I've struggled with for years, as has many others", Tiffany wrote on Instagram. But her inner strength didn't let the haters break her.

"I have learned that what I see in the mirror is the only opinion that matters because I have to live with that opinion on a daily basis. Society may tell us that 'perfection' is beautiful but beauty is relative."

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Her message is totally on-point – and now she wears it on her sleeve. Tiffany's poignant tattoo, reading "It's called Vitiligo.", helps educate others on why her skin looks different to theirs.

Tiffany previously told the Daily Mail: 'I wanted to share with people what it is because that way they would learn something, rather than stigmatising". Now she says people stop and admire her tattoo, "ask questions about the condition and go away enlightened".

"They know I didn't get burnt in a fire. They know there's a term for what I have."

Like Vitilio 'spokesmodel' Winnie Harlow, Tiffany is a true inspiration. We thank them for embracing their uniqueness and in turn helping us celebrate the beauty in ours. 

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Credit: Cosmopolitan

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