Starbucks Barista Writes Creepy Pick-Up Line On Girl's Coffee Cup

The Internet is not a fan.

Mar 21, 2018

A barista at a Starbucks in London tried to flirt with one of his customers, but the creepy message he left on her cup went a little too far. 

Starbucks cups come with warning, "Careful, the beverage you are about to enjoy is extremely hot," printed along the bottom edge. This barista drew lines through the warning so all that remained was "Careful, you are extremely hot," and drew an arrow down to the words so they couldn't be missed. 

The girl's mom, Alex Blaine, posted the photo on Facebook in a city-wide group, where it quickly racked up more than 500 likes in two days. 

As the Telegraph​ pointed out, baristas flirting with customers via their cup doodles are actually pretty common. The same day that Alex's daughter got hit on, another girl experienced the same thing.

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Sigh. Could all the copy-cat baristas at least be a little more creative, or is that too much to ask?

Credit: Cosmopolitan

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