What Does "Fifty Shades" Have in Common With Cruella de Vil?

Laters, fur baby.

Mar 21, 2018

If it exists in animated form, Disney will turn it into a live-action movie — this is just the state of the world in 2015. Following last year's Maleficent, the next Disney villain to get her own movie is Cruella de Vil, the fur-loving monster from ​101 Dalmatians​. That's not really a surprise, since a Cruella movie has been in the works since at least 2013, but the big news is who's co-writing it: Kelly Marcel, who wrote the screenplay for ​Fifty Shades of Grey​. It all makes sense, because if you think about it, Cruella has all the same personality traits as Elena, Christian's ex-lover and coach in the ways of bondage: manipulative and evil with a taste for expensive things. 

According to The Hollywood Reporter​, the Cruella movie has been fast-tracked, though no release date has been announced. Last week, Disney announced release dates for four untitled live-action movies in addition to the ones they're already working on, so this trend won't be going away anytime soon. Just hope that it culminates with a live-action edition of ​The Lion King​, because who wouldn't pay good money to see real warthogs singing about their life mottos?

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Credit: Cosmopolitan

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