Why Are People Going to Bed Wearing Wet Socks?

This strange practice can actually help you fight flu.

Sep 19, 2018

Cold and flu survival kit: A (large) cup of coffee, endless supply of tissues, and a warm, fuzzy blanket. 

But that was so 2017. Add a pair of wet socks to this mix and you've got yourself latest effective method of fighting cold. As weird as it may sound, wearing wet socks to bed can actually help to ease your cold symptoms.

Here's what you need to do: 

Step 1: Soak the cotton socks in cold water and wring it properly.

Step 2: Dip your feet in warm water until the skin turns pink.

Step 3: Dry them off and immediately put on the cold, wet cotton socks. And then put on the dry wool socks over it.

Step 4: Go to the bed and keep your feet covered through the night.

The reason why this method works is that contractions of blood vessels when the feet begins to cool down results in the good nutrients being sent to your tissues and organs. The body gets these much required nutrients to fight infections. And when the feet start to warn up again, the vessels dilate and release all toxins that get stuck in the tissue. 

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