8 Women on the Worst Way They've Broken Up With Someone

"I simply changed my social media status."

By Paisley Gilmour
Sep 6, 2019

Break ups are confusing, awful, emotional, liberating things. And while we know the best way to dump someone (scientifically) is to get straight to the point, we're not always courageous enough to rip that plaster off. These women admit they're not perfect, and they haven't always followed the break up rules of common decency (some because they were in traumatic and dangerous situations, FYI). Here's the worst way they've ever ended a relationship.

1. "I called a family member to help me get my things out of the house while he was passed out drunk. He was an alcoholic and threatening me. In his mind, it was the worst thing in the world because he woke up without a trace of me." 

2. "I ghosted... While we still went to the same high school." 

3. "Via a letter which arrived on Valentine’s Day. Dude had repeatedly menaced me with a flick knife, even cutting me and chipping a tooth, so I wasn’t bothered about hurting his feelings." 

4. "Still hate myself just a little for this, I had a total breakdown while he was over one night, out of nowhere. We'd only been dating a few weeks, and he was already talking about marriage, so I was probably just spooked. I told him I needed a break, and he was so stunned and confused. I ghosted him for a week, then met up with him and told him it was over. Not my finest moment." 

5. "Over text message. I never wanted to be that person, but he was so hot and cold and consistently inconsistent I had to." 

6. "I simply changed my social media status. He did not take it well, but I don't think he deserved any better. A few days prior, I found out he had a full on relationship brewing with his co worker. They were spending holidays together and he was posing as a father figure to her son." 

7. "By awkwardly telling him he could still use my Netflix because he was upset and I didn't know what to do... then changing the password a month later." 

8. "Text message. It was a LDR, and I was TRYING to break up with him on the phone, but he kept talking over me and refused to listen or let me talk. So I sent him the nicest break up text message ever. Told him how I just knew he wasn’t 'The One', and how he was a positive influence on my life (he was), but I had to trust my gut (it was going crazy) and I was truly sorry, but that it was over. He sent me back the sweetest reply. It began with an 'F' and ended with a 'Y'. Always a wordsmith, that man..." 

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