Cosmo's Guide To An Hour Long Orgasm

Yes, the sex will be spectacular. But we've saved the best for last. These techniques make your climax (and his) longer, stronger, and insanely pleasurable.

Mar 21, 2018

At Cosmo, we're continually finding out new ways to make sex more satisfying. And while a lot of the ideas we discover are surprising, it's rare that something truly astounds us. But when we heard that some sex researchers had devised a technique that would yield an hour-long orgasm, our jaws nearly hit the floor. We were obviously intrigued by the concept...and also skeptical.

So we started investigating and learned that most experts have doubts too. "You probably won't be able to climax continuously for an hour," says Ian Kerner, Ph.D., author of Passionista. "However, you can bring each other into a heightened state of arousal and pleasure for an extended period of time. And being so turned on can result in a more intense orgasm that also lasts a few seconds longer." Sign us up!

Here, we're going to explain the theory behind an hour-long climax. Using some of those principles, we'll suggest a modified way to amplify sex and your orgasm  - minus the endurance test.

A one-hour orgasm? What the hell is that?

Think about what happens physically when you're about to climax: Your muscles tense up, and you probably breathe more shallowly. Crossing the finish line feels like a huge release - as though you twisted up a garden hose and then let go. According to Steve and Vera Bodansky, Ph.D.s, co-authors of The Illustrated Guide to Extended Massive Orgasm, those reactions result in our getting ripped off in the orgasm department. "When you tense up, blood vessels constrict, reducing the amount of oxygen and blood coursing through your body," the Bodanskys explain. "This causes your orgasm to be shorter than it should actually be."

They claim you can transform the entire sexual experience into one long, continuous orgasm. The gist of what they recommend is : First, you have to relax. Then your partner touches and tantalises you until you're at the brink of climax but without letting you tip over the edge. The Bodanskys call this hyper-aroused state an orgasm - just not the kind we're all normally used to.Other experts say that while these techniques can generate extreme bliss, most people wouldn't consider the outcome an actual orgasm. "There might be a handful of women who can have a true orgasm for minutes, maybe even an hour, but it's not possible for the majority," says Lou Paget, author of Orgasms: How to Have Them, Give Them, and Keep Them Coming. Even if a 60-minute climax isn't in the cards, staying at a level 8 or 9 on the pleasure scale for an extended period sounds pretty good to us. Read on - we'll tell you how to get there.

Tips that heighten arousal

The key to reach that "exhilarating about-to-orgasm" zone is to get each other crazy turned-on and then dial it back when the other person nears climax, Kerner says. Once your partner has calmed down, build up the sexual tension again. This ebb and flow of intensity holds you in an elevated state of pleasure. Try these tricks.Use teasing touches.

Explore each other's erogenous zones, rather than zeroing in on the bull's-eye right away. "Lingering on the surrounding areas boosts blood flow, increasing arousal and sensitivity," Kerner explains. "It also enhances anticipation so that when you turn your full attention to the genitals, they're more responsive." Stroke his inner thighs, pull his pubic hair, or brush against his package while making out.

Kiss and lick him from lips down his chest and abs, pulling away when you're about to reach his penis.When he's pleasuring you, ask him to swirl his tongue around your breasts, moving in tighter circles as he approache nipples. Another option is to have him hold a finger above your clitoris and tell you how he's going to stroke it before making contact. "This heightens your awareness of the spot and makes you crave his touch," Steve Bodansky says. Double up. "Touching your partner with both hands creates a multisensory experience that feels like a rolling wave of pleasure," Bodansky says.

Stroke his shaft with one hand, with the other, squeeze the base of his penis or lightly tug on his testicles. While stimulating you, "he should insert his finger and firmly, steadily press on your G-spot, located a couple inches in on the front wall of your vagina," Kerner says. "With his other hand, he can gently rub your clitoris." (Have some lube handy) Work this during intercourse too, if you're in a position where your hot spots are easily accessible, he can reach down to stimulate your clitoris, and you can softly scratch his perineum (the smooth patch of skin between his testicles and anus).

Vary the speed. Switching rhythms keeps the momentum on without causing you to gain orgasm too quickly. When touching his penis, "start with long, slow strokes along his entire shaft, then take speed, using faster, shorter strokes just on the head of his penis", Bodansky says. "Once he's quite aroused, bring him back by slowly, gently squeezing up and down the length of his penis." During oral sex, warm him up, lick along his shaft and the head of his penis, where most nerve endings exist.

To intensify things, move your hand firmly and rapidly up and down his shaft while sucking on the head. Ask him to caress the tip of your clitoris gently with his finger or tongue, using quick strokes. As your arousal builds, clitoris becomes more sensitive. So have him switch to long, slow strokes. He should soften his touch as necessary to keep you from climaxing.

Change the pacing during intercourse by fluctuating between deep and slow penetration and quick yet shallow movements where just the tip of his penis enters you. Occasionally, shift into high gear with hard, fast penetration.

Play with stops and starts

Another great way to keep each other simmering is to take minibreaks mid-action to do something different. "Instead of moving from manual stimulation then oral sex then intercourse, mix things up," suggests Kerner. Pause during oral just to kiss. If you're getting super worked up during intercourse, spend a few minutes stroking each other or going down on each other. Or take his penis and rub it against your clitoris. This gives you a chance to catch your breath and introduces hot new sensations. When you jump back into the action, you should be even more riled up than before.

The secrets to intensifying an orgasm

"Being in such a heightened state of pleasure will result in a more powerful orgasm-one that might last slightly longer as well," Kerner says. At the moment of climax, give some of these easy techniques a go.

For your orgasm…

Try to relax and breathe. "Oxygen gets your blood pumping, and that's what drives orgasms," Paget says. "The more oxygen you take in, the stronger and longer your climax will be." Inhale and exhale evenly

Interrupting your orgasm for a split second also helps

"Have him pause for just half a beat and then resume whatever he was doing," Bodansky instructs. "Your climax will hold steady for a moment and then start again more intensely."

Your pelvic muscles automatically convulse during orgasm

Extend those feel-good contractions by deliberately squeezing and releasing your PC muscles (they're the ones you use to stop the flow of urine) several times in a row as soon as you begin to peak. "This encourages further orgasmic ripples, keeping the effect going for longer than usual," Kerner says.

For his orgasm

When he's about to climax during manual stimulation or oral sex, place the thumb of one hand over the head of his penis, and wrap the thumb and index finger of your other hand around the base and squeeze. "When you let go, he'll start coming again, stronger", says Kerner.

You intuitively speed up your movements during orgasm

Instead, progressively slow down when he begins to climax. "This prolongs the ejaculatory phase," Steve says.

Flexing your PC muscles will help lengthen the lifespan of his orgasm too

So when you two are about to reach a climax, rhythmically clench and relax your pelvic muscles as and when he's coming. "When he feels you tighten around him, it magnifies each contraction, eking out every last ounce of pleasure for him," Kerner explains.

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