This Is Probably the Most Dangerous Proposal of All Time

The thought is nice and all, but.

Mar 21, 2018

You, human, have imagined your proposal a thousand times. Is it nice? Is it everything you ever dreamed of? Does your life flash before your eyes when it happens? If you are Michelle Wycoff of Houston, Texas, the answer is probably yes because her now-fiancé shut down a busy five-lane highway yesterday to ask her to marry him.

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According to the Houston Chronicle, Wycoff's boyfriend Vidal Valladares Navas told her they were going to a party they'd have to take I-45 to get to. Wycoff apparently loves that highway as the pair went on a motorcycle ride down it on their second date. Navas's friends stayed in a row at the front of traffic so he could easily get everyone to stop and … boom.

Though Wycoff originally posted the video to her Instagram, the proposal has picked up steam on YouTube titled "Idiot Shuts Down a Major Highway for Marriage Proposal."

Judging by the YouTube comments, people overwhelmingly think this is a very dumb way to propose to someone considering the high chance of being run over or inciting serious road rage. Wycoff herself though called it the "best moment ever" on Instagram.

As long as she's happy, that's all that matters, y'all. As long as she's aware she's marrying someone who thinks cars are playthings, it's cool. As long as she plans on keeping "'til death do us part" in her vows, she's covered. Watch the video above.

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Credit: Cosmopolitan

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