Women Say They Feel Sexiest at This Age

It's older than you think.

Mar 21, 2018

​If you're in your mid- to late 20s and feel like you've truly peaked, ~hotness~ wise, stand down — you probably haven't. Like, I'm sure you look very good and I'm happy for you, but according to a new survey of 2,000 women in the U.K., 34 is the age at which most women feel sexiest. 

According to the ​Daily Mail​, 64 percent of thirysomething women surveyed said they feel sexier in their third decade because of confidence that comes with age (thank G), and 34 percent said they felt sexier because they were in better relationships. And to add to this deluge of great news, 26 percent of the women in their 30s said they felt sexier than ever because they were more confident in bed than before. 

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The study was commissioned by British department store House of Fraser, and a spokesperson for the company told Daily Mail that she thinks it's great that women continue to feel sexy and confident, "whatever their age." But she was surprised to find that 34 seems to be the pinnacle of sexiness for women. 

I mean, it's not ​totally​ surprising, right? Your 20s are fun, but they're also kind of a general shitshow (says the 23 year old, LOL, DON'T @ ME). We've written before about how your early 30s are ​much​ better than your early 20s. And if you need any further evidence to drive home the fact that your 20s are really just practice for all the badass things you'll do in the next decade, consider the fact that Beyoncé, Amy Schumer, Serena Williams, and Adriana Lima are all currently 34 years old and seem to be doing very well​. 

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Credit: Cosmopolitan

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