While Priyanka Chopra Jonas has bagged the 27th spot on the annual Hopper Instagram Richlist this year, Virat Kohli has managed to surpass her position, claiming the 19th spot on the list. With a whopping 132 million followers on the social networking service, the current captain of the Indian National cricket team reportedly makes $ 680,000 (approximately 5 crores) per post. On the other hand, Priyanka Chopra earns roughly $ 403,000 (approximately 3 crores) for each promotional post.
What is the Instagram Richlist?
The Hopper Instagram Richlist is released annually and ranks celebrities, sports personalities, and Instagram influencers based on how much they are paid for each post they promote on the app. While Priyanka Chopra Jonas was on the 19th spot last year—with a reported $ 271,000 earnings per post—the actor has gone down in the ranks, in comparison to other American and European celebrities. However, Virat Kohli has jumped from the 23rd spot to the 19th spot this year, owing to his massive fan following (legit, 132 million is no joke!)
Priyanka Chopra Jonas was recently announced as the new face of Victoria's Secret in the month of June. She said, "Representation matters. It’s crucial for us to show everyone ALL over the world that they matter and are seen! As a founding partner of #TheVSCollective and advisor to the business, this is exactly what I intend to do." She added, "It’s been so incredible to see your reactions...It’s fuelled me further and I am excited to bring about meaningful change at one of the worlds most iconic brands. I’m so proud to be in the company of the Collective of incredible women that will help this change."
On Thursday, the actor also took to Instagram to share the news that she has become the global ambassador for cosmetics company Max Factor. "Excited to announce that I am Max Factor’s Global Ambassador! Can’t wait to share this journey with you all. Join me as we step into a new light to reveal our Xtraordinary selves," she wrote in an Instagram post.
Who made it to the top 10 on the Instagram Richlist?
Portuguese footballer Cristiano Ronaldo has bagged the top-most position on the list this year, with 308 million followers on Instagram and earnings of $ 1,604,000 (approximately 11 crores) per post. The sportsperson is followed by American actor Dwayne Johnson, singer Ariana Grande, Kylie Jenner, Selena Gomez, Kim Kardashian, Lionel Messi, Beyonce, Justin Bieber, Kendall Jenner, Taylor Swift, Jennifer Lopez, and more.
To view the entire Hopper Instagram Richlist of 2021, head on to https://www.hopperhq.com/