5 Things Personal Trainers Do For That Enviably Fit AF Body...

...that you probably don’t. Not judging, just saying.

17 September, 2018
5 Things Personal Trainers Do For That Enviably Fit AF Body...


“Foam rolling before a workout is more important than after. It releases tight trigger points, so you’re mobile while exercising,” says trainer to Melanie C Matt Roberts. One study found that just two minutes of foam rolling can increase your range of motion and burn more calories.

YOUR TURN: Work up and down the whole length of the target area, then when you find a tight spot, focus on rolling back and forth over it with small motions. Shift positions to work all angles.


When the man who hones Victoria Secret’s models speaks, we listen. And that man, Dab Roberts, takes a mag supplement daily. Dietitian Helen Bond says, “Magnesium is important for releasing energy from food, for muscles to contract, for nerves to function, and to maintain healthy bones.”

YOUR TURN: Wholegrains, nuts, seeds, pulses and seafood are the best sources to meet your 270 mg a day. Falling short? Try a vitamin supplement, but don’t go more than 400mg. OD- ing will not turn you into a Hadid overnight.


“The only ‘fitness’ app I use is the calendar,” says Si Tate, Founder of Tate Wellness, US. On Sundays, I schedule my week to the nearest 15-minute slots. I also ensure there’s an hour’s buffer each day, so if anything crops up, I don’t have to skip a workout.”

YOUR TURN: Pick a target of how often you want to work out, then schedule in a couple more sessions. This gives you room to cancel one or two if necessary, while still achieving your goal.


Never done a chin-up? Snap. For PTs, it’s a must-do move. “It works a number of muscles at once, and I really notice an improvement in my upper-body strength and more definition in my back and abs,” says Emily Cole, master PT at Virgin Active, US.

YOUR TURN: “Start by using a fairly thick resistance band to assist you,” Cole recommends. “Loop it securely over the bar, then rest one knee inside the ‘sling’ it creates (holding your other leg bent in the same position). This will support your body weight, making it easier to lift yourself up. Grab the bar with an underhand grip, arms straight, then pull your chest up to the bar.”


US-based Fitness First PT Georgia Gray says she doesn’t know a PT who doesn’t deadlift. “It’s an amazing compound movement, hitting glutes, hamstrings, calves, lower back, upper back, shoulders, quads and core. Because it uses so many muscles, it’s amazing for fat loss.”

YOUR TURN: “Stand feet hip-width apart, with a barbell on the floor, centred over your feet. Bend forwards from the hips, grip the bar overhand, hands shoulder-width apart. Bend your knees until your shins touch the bar. Lift your chest, retract your shoulder blades, and straighten your back. Focus on pushing the floor away to stand, engaging glutes and core. The bar should stay grazing your legs on the way up. To lower, push the hips back. Once the bar reaches the knees, bend them till touchdown.” Poor technique = high injury risk, so ask a trainer to help before going solo.
