5 Yoga poses for better sex life and stronger orgasms

Celebrate International World Yoga Day with the big Os! 

21 June, 2023
5 Yoga poses for better sex life and stronger orgasms

Yoga helps increase flexibility, makes you more attuned to your body, and leaves you stronger and toned—all things your sex sessions can benefit from. It also heightens sensations and the new-found flexibility can come in handy when you’re trying new positions in bed. And it’s not just the physical benefits—yoga also helps to be emotionally present in the moment, something a lot of us may struggle with during sex due to stress or anxiety.

So, it doesn’t come as a surprise that certain yoga poses can help make your sex better and even lead to stronger orgasms! And we are not just saying it to get you to twist and stretch; it’s scientifically proven—a small study published in The Journal of Sexual Medicine found that women who participated in a 12-week yoga programme reported better sexual function. 

Convinced? Add these five yoga poses to your fitness routine to spice up your romps. 

Happy Baby pose (Ananda Balasana)


Happy Baby, which takes its name from a common pose that babies make, opens up your hips. It helps to distress your pelvic floor muscles—a tight pelvic floor might make intercourse painful. Also, women are known to store a lot of emotions in that area, so the pose will help with emotional release and improve flexibility. For this pose, lie on your back with your knees bent up and positioned slightly wider than your torso, then grasp the outer edge of your feet with your hands, and hold. 

Lizard pose (Utthan Pristhasana) 


Another hip opener (are you sensing a pattern here?), the lizard pose helps release emotional energy that you may be holding onto. This is slightly more  advanced than the happy baby pose, but nothing too challenging to attempt. To do this pose, step your right foot forward (like you would do for a lunge) and then lower your forearms to the ground, keeping your back leg straight. If this seems difficult, you can choose not to lower all the way down to your forearms.

Frog pose (Bhekasana)


If you feel tight around your pelvic area, the frog pose can help ease any tension and relax those taut muscles. It will increase blood circulation to the area, making you more aroused during sex. To do this pose, begin on your hands and knees, pointing your feet and knees outwards. Then, widen your legs and push back on your hips. Hold the pose for a minute—you’ll start to feel a stretch on your inner thighs. If you want to modify it into a simpler pose, place a folded blanket or flat cushion under your knees for support.

Cat-Cow pose (Chakravakasana)


The Cat-Cow pose is one of the most common (and easy!) yoga poses. It helps loosen your muscles and makes you feel more relaxed; something we definitely want to be during sex. It also activates the pelvic floor, which might help you achieve stronger orgasms. Begin on all fours and slowly arch your back up, and then arch down. Repeat the cycle a few times. 

Bridge pose (Setu Bandhasana)


This pose strengthens your pelvic floor and core, tones your glutes and increases blood flow to the area, and releases pent-up energy and tension. Practising this pose might lead to stronger orgasms and better lubrication. To get started, lie down on your back, bend your knees and place your feet close to your glutes, hip-width apart. Then, slowly lift your glutes, with your hands firmly planted on the ground. Keep your head and shoulders firmly grounded to avoid straining your neck. Hold for one minute and repeat as many times as you can. 

Inside images: Pinterest and Pexels
