101 Easy Ways to Deal With Stress

According to the nicest teacher ever.

21 March, 2018
101 Easy Ways to Deal With Stress

Usually on the first day of class, your teacher hands out a massive syllabus outlining every major assignment you'll live and die by for the year. But one professor is taking a way different approach. Rather than stressing kids out on the first day of school, he wanted to do the ​opposite.

Brett Phillips, a psychology teacher in Oxnard, California, has been distributing a handout on the first day of school for the past 10 years, but it went viral when one of his students posted it on Twitter this year. The handout offers 101 ideas about how to de-stress.

[twitter ]https://twitter.com/lovelyyy_lina/status/771858389181661188?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw" >

Mr. Phillips compiled the list over the course of several years, taking inspiration from textbooks and articles. The tips range from quick fixes (smiling, giving someone a compliment, stretching) to peaceful activities (watching a movie, taking a bubble bath, feeding birds). The images below are highlighted with student Alina Ramirez's favorite methods.

"He knows how stressed we are with school, sports, work, and life in general, so he gave us the paper to help us, and just to have in case we are stressed," Alina told BuzzFeed News. "It has impacted a lot of people. Honestly his list has helped me a lot."​

Next time you're feeling overwhelmed, take a look at the list and see if you can take some weight off your shoulders. It might be easier than you think.

Credit: Cosmopolitan