Say Hello to Hijarbie

The world's first hijab wearing Barbie, that is!

21 March, 2018
Say Hello to Hijarbie

Toymaker Mattel unveiled a new range of dolls last month–dubbed 'Fashionistas'–which come in a variety of body types and seven different skin tones. This new, body-positive Barbie even landed the cover of this month's TIME magazine!

Haneefah Adam, a 24-year-old blogger and medical scientist from Nigeria, has taken the doll's new look one step further by creating a Barbie that dons a hijab–or as she's calling her, 'Hijarbie'​.

Adam produced all of the clothing and hijabs for the dolls herself,  then took pictures and uploaded them to Instagram.

Talking about her creation, Haneefah said, "It got me thinking about how I'd actually like to see a doll dressed up like I would have—covered up. I've been wanting to do this for three years, while I was still studying for my master's degree in the UK. When I got back to Nigeria, I went to the mall, purchased a doll, dressed it up, documented it...and here we are."
