What To Do The Morning After The First Time You Have Sex

Guys can get weird the morning after. Make things go just a little smoother by following this advice.

21 March, 2018
What To Do The Morning After The First Time You Have Sex

When you wake up together for the first time, there's a lot to deal with - morning breath paranoia, the realisation that you're buck naked together in the harsh light of day, and of course, the obvious issue of what your newly consummated status will be. Make things go just a little smoother by following this advice.

Don't stay too long

Not to be harsh, but just because he had sex with you doesn't mean he's ready to be attached at the hip for the day. Just ask Bhuvan, 29: "I was dating this girl who wanted to hang out the next morning, but after only a couple of hours with her, I realised I wasn't ready to be that close. I had to make up an excuse about meeting friends so she would bolt." To leave him wanting more, skip out after coffee but before breakfast, explaining that you already have brunch plans.

Resist saying "oh, I never do this"

Maybe you slept with him a little sooner than you wanted to, but guess what? He's not buying the innocent act, even if it's true. "I've gotten 'This is sooo not like me,' so many times that I've stopped believing it," says Aman, 28. Besides, rationalising why you hopped in the sack can come off as an insult. Be comfortable with your decision and he will be, too. What's even better? Be yourself and if you loved his style of tongue wrestling, say so. Chances are your frankness will win you major points and he'll yearn for you more.

Never tidy up

Sure, his clothes might be thrown all over the floor and the top sheet may have disappeared into the depths of the bed. But spending a night or two at his pad doesn't make you mistress of his domain. "I returned from the bathroom one morning to find that the girl I'd just slept with had made my bed and put my clothes away," says Jai, 30. "It was kind of sweet, but it also freaked me out because she was way too at home around my things." Guideline is don't intrude into his personal space until he wants you to.

Don't leave before he wakes up

As tricky as it is to navigate the morning after, if he wakes up alone, he'll wonder what he did to make you hightail it out of there. Take it from Roshan, 32: "There was a girl I was interested in for a long time, and after two years of being friends, we had sex. But the next morning, she vanished without explanation. I was so pissed, I didn't even want to see where things could go." If you absolutely must leave, at least wake him up by whispering good-bye in his ear. Saying bye while leaving is courteous on all occasions but in such situations its abso crucial. Go polish up a bit!

